The Truth Will Set You Free

CIA Transgender Industrial Mulatto Stud Farm got ya down?

Family members won’t stop talking about how the “vaccines” are SAFE and EFFECTIVE?

Tired of seeing endless paid-for shill politicians scream-cum hollow promises from their skin shells while our countries are brutalized for profit? Tired of hearing the echoing screams of your dying society?

Well you’ve come to the right place? Welcome to the #777714 worldwide source of speculative, rumor-based, puzzle-solving journalism where we take hot takes and extrapolate. Don’t like it? Kill yourself!

Over the past few decades, schizophrenics worldwide have consistently provided the most accurate predictions about future current events, government actions, propaganda cycles, and bureaucratic blunders. This is why we here at ↝ do our best to aggregate the widest possible variety of crazed internet speculation and psyops to provide a coherent narrative for every member of the family to enjoy.

Yes, obviously, everything on this site is satire. lol lmao

Free Premium Neuro-Nom-Nomz

Jesus Was Not A Jew

Enjoy a digression into the non-Edomite origin of your Lord and Savior.

9 minute read. Created July 07 2022, last edited March 9 2024.

Who are "The Jews"?

Are the subversive jews we know today genetically similar to the Judeans of history?

12 minute read. Created June 01 2022, last edited March 9 2024.

Canada's Rapidly Metastasizing Surveillance State

The glowing shitheels at the RCMP and CSIS had a real good time over the past two years.

2 minute read. Created January 30 2022, last edited March 9 2024.

The Truckies Save Canada

Turdeau cucks off to Germany and the truckies roll in for FREEDOM.

3 minute read. Created January 29 2022, last edited March 9 2024.

Foreign Accents Cause Psychological Harm

The cadence and tonality of Indian accents, along with other foreign accents, is intonated in a way that induces stress in a normal anglophone.

1 minute read. Created January 13 2022, last edited March 9 2024.

The Vaccine Endgame

Don't take it bros, this "future tech platform" is unsafe and scientific opportunism at its finest.

18 minute read. Created October 19 2021, last edited March 9 2024.

The Gematria of 6,000,000

The phrase "six million Jews" is a phrase that has echoed through history. But why? Today we discuss the esoteric reasons behind the use of the number... six million!

53 minute read. Created June 07 2021, last edited March 9 2024.

On Scientism

Atheists believe in darker gods than even they themselves can comprehend.

3 minute read. Created January 06 2021, last edited March 9 2024.